
Archive | Diabetes

How To Reverse Insulin Resistance - Barbara McDermott

How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

Recently I hosted a workshop on ‘How to Reverse Insulin Resistance’ for our SHIFT Community. I always find it invigorating to be in company with others who know a thing or two about blood sugar and insulin.  If you are seeking to learn how to reverse insulin resistance, it requires your knowing the two key players, […]

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How Hyperinsulinemia Sabotages Weight Loss & What To Do About It - Barbara McDermott

How Hyperinsulinemia Sabotages Weight Loss

Hyperinsulinemia… Huh?  Hyperinsulinemia. It’s a big word. And it’s an even bigger diagnosis. Hyperinsulinemia is gaining mainstream status these days. One of my newest clients shared that her doctor told her, “you have hyperinsulinemia”, and she was wondering if I’d ever heard of it. Ever heard of it?  I see it. Daily. Walking around on legs. Do you? […]

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Low Insulin Diet | Barbara McDermott - SHIFT Formula

Is a Low Insulin Diet For You?

What Exactly Is a Low Insulin Diet? You’ve heard of many diets over the years but a Low Insulin Diet? That one has probably never crossed your path. So, what does ‘low insulin’ mean and why would anyone be interested in such a thing? The following is the transcription of a live sharing of ideas […]

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Reversing The Diabetes Pandemic with Dr. Padda

Rats, Food & Prisons – Reversing The Diabetes Pandemic With Dr. Padda

We are living in a diabetes pandemic. But diabetes isn’t just about blood sugar, it’s systemic inflammation, incessant cravings-driven eating.  It’s obesity. And it’s impacting our nation in ways most are completely unaware of. From our children’s exposure to the U.S. dietary regulations in our public schools and the rise in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), […]

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Lower Blood Glucose

How To Become Glucose Aware To Lower Blood Glucose

Food is complicated. And I’ve spent the vast majority of every waking moment these past 14 years studying the intimate relationship we all have with food. Food can be problematic. Food can be emotional. It can be spiritual. It can be personal. It can also be someone’s four letter word. Food was my four letter […]

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Why is my blood sugar high in the morning?

Why Is My Blood Sugar High In The Morning?

As the rooster crows, your body is going through its morning ritual. It’s a routine that dates back to the beginning of mankind. And understanding this morning ritual will finally provide an answer to that frustrating question so many diabetics ask, “Why is my blood sugar high in the morning?” What’s The Dawn Effect In Diabetes?  […]

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Lowering Blood Sugar

Diabetes Survival Guide To Lowering Blood Sugar

Lowering Blood Sugar… With SMARTs Instead of Medication Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on pinterest Pinterest Lowering blood sugar is the BIG first step to resolving health chaos. Most notably diabetes type 2. But there are many, many diseases connected to elevated blood […]

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