Is Reversal Of Diabetes Type 2 Even Possible?
In this article we’re going to give you the “How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2” knowledge you need. There’s no mystery to reversing diabetes type 2.
Your body is an amazing healing machine. It will heal naturally, it will reverse insulin resistance, IF we allow it to do it’s job.
Diabetes is not only a heavy burden, but a slippery one too. The mental and physical challenges alone will eventually do us in.
Unlike catching a cold or the flu, diabetes doesn’t develop overnight. It takes decades of excess insulin flooding our body. And over the years our cells become more and more insulin resistant.
That means, as we age, our body needs more and more insulin to do the same job it had done with less insulin years ago. As our body becomes more insulin resistant, blood sugar becomes harder and harder to control.
It is insulin’s job to remove the sugar (glucose) from our blood. If we have too much sugar circulating in our blood, more than 4 – 5 grams or 1 teaspoon,
And if you weren’t already aware, insulin is a very powerful fat creation, fat storage hormone. We don’t gain weight as we age. We accumulate body fat… right around the middle.
We call that an Insulin Belt.
And unless we address the insulin problem, that insulin belt will continue to grow and grow.
A diabetes diagnoses is an urgent warning. It means we’ve reached the critical phase of the slow and steady worsening of our health and quality of life.
It also means medication… pills, and soon insulin injections. And as our body becomes even more insulin resistant, which it will unless we figure out how to reverse diabetes, the daily dose of medications increase in both dosage and additional medications to deal with the onslaught of insulin damage.
Diabetics Don’t Need More Medication, They NEED The Knowledge Of How To Reverse Insulin Resistance
If only the medical community would address the core issue of diabetes type 2… It’s Too Much Insulin.
But when a diabetes diagnoses is made, not a word is mentioned about the insulin problem… and how quickly the condition could be fixed.
Yes, There Is a Cure For Diabetes Type 2
As a diabetic, we are hurled into a world… a ‘health category’… which our family and friends don’t understand. In fact, family and friends, though they may not say it, even think we caused it. We are chided and judged, and finger-wagged at.
And our doctors might give us the tough love speech…”you need to lose some weight”… or perhaps even worse, the brush off… ”It’s not so bad… you’re not that diabetic… just take these meds and watch what you eat”.
“The American Diabetes Association recommends we adopt a diet that actually works against us rather than for us.”
The American Diabetes Association (ADA)… you know, the very association designated to support the health of those of us with diabetes… recommends we adopt a diet that actually works against us rather than for us.
Meal plans adopted by the ADA recommend between 45 – 60 carbs (carbohydrates) per meal and 10 – 25 carbs per snack. In total that’s 135 – 230 grams of carbs per day.
That’s equivalent to 34 – 57 teaspoons of sugar!
Like The Medical Community, The ADA Isn’t Sharing How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2.
That diet advice supports diabetes NOT the diabetic. It makes the typical and expected long-term diabetic complications much more likely to happen.
Here’s why…
Diabetes is the medical term for a “broken glucose system”. Glucose is blood sugar. It’s simply the form of sugar our body creates from the food we eat. Having too much glucose in our bloodstream is toxic to our body.
But, the advice given to diabetics is typically, eat enough carbohydrates to keep up with the medication.
Now, from this point forward I want you to substitute the word “sugar” for “carbohydrate”. Because, when you eat carbohydrates, regardless of the food type… candy, cookie, vegetable or fruit, the end result is the same…
Carbohydrate IS Blood Sugar Elevating… SUGAR (glucose).
Which of course means, more of the fat creation, fat storage hormone insulin is released to deal with the elevate blood sugar.
And as mentioned earlier, being diabetic means we’re already insulin resistant to a degree, so we’ll need more insulin to do the job.
Can You say “weight gain”?
But weight gain from insulin resistance is minor compared to the laundry list of diabetes related health horrors.
Diabetic health complications, the natural consequence of repeated high amounts of sugar in our blood include horrible conditions such as blindness, neuropathy (nerve pain), and slow-to-heal sores that can lead to amputation.
High blood sugar is the gateway to every lousy way to die. This is why we are given either drugs or insulin… depending on the degree of our diabetes… to assist our body in lowering the amount of sugar in our blood.
Unfortunately, the medical community doesn’t tell you how to reverse diabetes or for that matter, they don’t even hint to the FACT that reversing diabetes type 2 is not only possible… the cure for diabetes type 2 is all natural and doesn’t require medication.
The Physical Pain, Mental Suffering and Uncertainty that Diabetes Drops on our Doorstep can be easily swept away.
For many individuals, even those who’ve been diabetic for years, reversal of diabetes type 2, happens within a few days to weeks.
But instead of educating us on how to quickly reverse diabetes, we are given a prescription. The fact is…
Medications… Insulin, metformin, Novolog, Lantus, Tresiba, Humalog and many more… will never ever get out of diabetes. In fact, it’s pretty much a guarantee that your diabetes, the slippery slope that it is, will continue to worsen.
And WHEN, not “if” you cross the line of requiring insulin… it will add serious momentum to your health decline.
How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2 (101)
To understand how to reverse diabetes type 2 and to greatly soften the health damaging impact of diabetes type 1, let’s start with the basics….
It’s a complicated relationship we have with insulin.
Without it we die.
But, too much of it and our quality of life slowly dies from the damage insulin and high blood sugar causes.
Insulin is, among other things, our fat creation and fat storage hormone.
So while your medical team chides you to lose weight, they have you injecting more and more of the very hormone that makes you gain weight.
Now, to be clear, everybody… EVERY BODY… absolutely requires insulin to stay alive. That’s a non-negotiable. However, the quantity of insulin, which we can influence, is the game changer.
(Click Here to download our Diabetes Survival Guide.)
When It Comes To Reversing Diabetes Type 2 & Reversing Insulin Resistance… We Truly Are In Control
So before we get into the details on how to reverse diabetes, let me offer you this consolation…
The variable impacting your health and your life… blood sugar, (originating from carbohydrates), is the very same variable impacting everyone’s life. You are no different… your blood sugar system is just a bit damaged.
But, it’s not beyond repair.
And once you become educated on how to reverse diabetes by understanding how to live what we call an Insulin Suppression Lifestyle, you will be better off than your seemingly healthy counterparts.
Learn with me. The smartest person in the room always wins.
The diabetes diagnosis, along with new worries and new work, brings new words into your life. Blood Sugar, Glucose, AGEs and Insulin.
Let’s define these.
Blood Sugar: is the soft term for blood glucose which is the sugar that food is broken down into via digestion and then quickly deposited into the bloodstream
Glucose: is one of two fuels our body’s cells can use for energy. It’s also important to recognize that while our healthy cells can utilize glucose or ketones (fat) for fuel, cancer cells only use glucose. Glucose is cancer cell fuel.
Glucose IS Cancer Cell Fuel
AGEs: (Advanced Glycated Endproducts): These are the proteins in our body, just like the hemoglobin measured in our blood for the A1c test, that are glycated. All over our body proteins get coated in sugar… these are AGEs… and they are the culprits corroding our joint tissue, damaging the delicate blood vessels of our eyes, brain, heart and nerves.
AGEs are the underlying cause of degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s (now being called Type 3 Diabetes) and Parkinson’s, heart disease, (it’s not the cholesterol, it’s the AGEs) chronic and debilitating joint pain, inflammation, and every typical sign and symptom of aging.
Insulin: this 100% essential to life hormone keeps us alive by triggering the metabolic pathways necessary to rid our bloodstream of too much glucose.
The metabolic pathways insulin triggers are:
- Unlocking cells (glucose can enter, the only positive outcome of insulin)
- Converting glucose to fat, particularly visceral (belly) fat
- Locking down fat stores (when insulin is up, fat can not be accessed for fuel)
- Signaling kidneys to retain water (bloating, swelling, hypertension)
- Creating AGEs (corrosion, damage, inflammation)
- Stimulating the hormone IGF-1 (assists cancer cell growth)
- Allowing cancer cells to efficiently suck up their life fuel, glucose
The Simple Answer To The “How To Reverse Diabetes?” Question…
Dietary Fat is not the killer it’s been made out to be. In fact, fat is our body’s optimal fuel and will keep us slim, strong, and sane. Preferentially relying on glucose, aka carbohydrate, for fuel is what’s killing us.
Suppressing the amount of insulin our body produces through strategic food choices, consistently opting for more fat than carbohydrate, is the pathway to chronic health. It is the only way out of metabolic mayhem. It’s really about tracking carbohydrate rather than stacking carbohydrate. And that’s easier to do than one might think.
How Do We Reverse Diabetes Type 2 & Heal Ourselves If We’ve Been Health Compromised For Years… Even Decades?
How are we supposed to ‘heal’ ourselves… naturally? Especially those already compromised with diabetes, cancer, alzheimer’s. (All these conditions are related).
The medical and diabetes community “cares” for us by recommending we consume, in large quantities, the very food group that is most destructive to us. In fact, it’s the food group that got us into our crisis in the first place.
The ADA, American Diabetes Association, along with our doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists, recommend… even require us… to eat between 45 – 60 carbs (carbohydrates) per meal and 10 – 25 carbs per snack. On average that’s over 200 grams of carbohydrate daily!
There is no doubt that when our daughter was diagnosed with diabetes, Type 1, my daughter and the rest of our family began consuming more carbohydrate, more food, than ever before.
And we all paid the price…
- Elevated Blood Sugar
- Inflammation & Pain
- Constant Cravings
- Weight Gain
The Message From The Medical Community Was Loud & Clear But It Had NOTHING To Do With How To Reverse Diabetes
Their directive are just WRONG.
We’re being told…
- You NEED carbohydrate (WRONG)
- You NEED a certain amount of carbohydrate… daily (Also WRONG)
- You NEED carbohydrate for life, and for health. (So WRONG! It flies against all science.)
The Science Behind Reversing Insulin Resistance & The Key To Knowing How To Cure Diabetes Naturally Without Medication Is This…
All and every food on the planet, real or factory produced, is composed of one or a combination of the 3 macronutrients.
Yes. Every food we consume is either a…
- Fat
- Protein
- Carbohydrate…
- Or… any combination of the 3.
“Fat is 100% Absolutely
Essential for Life.”
Fat is 100% absolute essential for life. It’s non-negotiable.
Protein is 100% essential to life. Also, non-negotiable.
Carbohydrate however is… NOT.
Carbohydrate is non-essential. It’s completely negotiable. Let me restate…
We do not require nor need any amount of carbohydrate to sustain life.
We Will Not Only Stay Alive, We’ll THRIVE Without Any Carbohydrate… While Reversing Diabetes Type 2 Happens Naturally
How can that be?
Carbohydrate, every carbohydrate, organic or corrupted, factory or farmed, is simply glucose (sugar) molecules or chains of glucose molecules.
And our body creates its own glucose. Creates its own glucose?! Yes.
Our body can and will create its own supply of glucose, in just the right amount that our body might need at any particular time. Our body creates glucose from both protein and fat. And our body creates ketones, a far superior fuel that is long lasting, and clean burning.
Ketones are fuel that our cells actually prefer and comes from both our dietary and body fat.
The (Science) On “How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2” Game Changer
Uncovering this science truth was our family’s game-changer. It saved our daughter’s life.
Knowing that we can choose how to fuel our body is liberating. And experiencing these health gain, life saving changes so quickly and easily are amazing. Even better, we can reverse diabetes type 2 without dieting, deprivation and sacrifice!
Back to the ADA recommended consumption of up to 240 grams of carbohydrate daily…
What they don’t tell you is that the human body, your body, is designed to operate optimally at a blood sugar amount of 4 grams… yes, you read that right… just 4 grams.
How can consuming 240 grams of carbohydrate, which is literally 240 grams of glucose, be a good idea when the human body is designed for just 4 grams?
And if you are diabetic you are at a further disadvantage, obviously, because your insulin/blood sugar regulating system is already compromised.
Would we pour more water into a reservoir whose dam has been breached?
Would we pour lighter fluid onto a fire that we are trying to put out?
Would we pour more sugar/glucose into a bloodstream that is already overflowing with sugar?
Every gram of glucose/carbohydrate we eat will have a corresponding insulin response. Can you see why our insulin levels, as a nation, are out the roof?
Our pancreas which produces our insulin will secret, and secret, and secret insulin any and every time our blood sugar is flooded with more glucose/carbohydrate than the ideal set point of 4 grams.
The condition that is Type 2 Diabetes is the outcome of a body whose cells have grown desensitized (Insulin Resistant) to the powerful hormone, insulin. Since insulin, over a period of time, was being produced so often and in such great amounts the cells grew resistant to it. Insulin resistance. This is Type 2 Diabetes.
There Is A Cure For Diabetes Type 2… Simply Follow The How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2 Science…
By applying basic science, diabetes can be cured. You can catch that thief, robbing you of your right to enjoy food, energy, peace of mind.
Diabetes type 2 can also be a life saving messenger. The message is too much insulin circulating in our body will lead to many, many life sapping illnesses. But if we receive the message and make these small adjustments, your body will heal, youthful energy will return.
Knowing trumps believing. Doing trumps hoping.
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About Barbara McDermott
Regarded as America's #1 Insulin Suppression Coach, Barbara is the co-founder of SHIFT Health & Wellness Solution, and the best-selling author of the groundbreaking book, ‘FOOD B.S.’, With SHIFT, Barbara brings common sense to nutrition, weight loss and health gain. Her refreshing, no nonsense approach to uncovering the truth using non-negotiable rules of science demystifies food and how to defeat chronic disease once and for all.
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